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Showing posts from November 18, 2014

My Journey to Masroor Rock Cut Temples (Kangra, Himachal Pradesh) with Pictures and Review

In this post, I am going to share the experience of my recent visit to famous Rock Cut Temples in Masroor Village of Kangra district in Himachal Pradesh. This village is about 38 KM away from Kangra Town and here we can see 15 rock-cut temples in Indo-Aryan style. I came to know about this place through the pictures of a friend on Facebook. This place looked very attractive in pictures so I decided to visit this place. I took the route through Dehra town situated at the bank of Beas river. The disadvantage of taking this route is poor road conditions. It is around 35 KM from Dehra. After a journey of one hour from Dehra, I reached the Masroor Rock Cut Temple site. When you reach the temple site, then you first see the backside of the temples.                                                          Masroor Rock Cut Temples The first view of Temples is very refreshing and I started exploring this place. In front of the Masroor Rock cut temples, we can see a small pond